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Inimkond evolutsiooni protsessis on õppinud peaaegu kõike kasu saama. Bibliaalsete legendide järgi tuntud käik ei olnud erand, sest tema kibuvatest oksadest oli kootud Jeesuse Kristuse kroon.The crystal structure of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase (ecDHFR, EC as a binary complex with folinic acid (5-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate; also called leucovorin or citrovorum factor) has been solved in two space groups, P6(1) and P6(5), with, respectively, two molecules and one molecule per asymmetric.
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Chemical and statistical regression analysis on groundwater at five fields (17 sampling wells) located in Dhamar city, the central highlands of Yemen, was carried.Training of staff suitable for library IT operation in the University Library was briefly discussed. Problems of information communication technology in the University Library includes: funding, lack of adequate infrastructure, external assistance and systems maintenance were enumerated. Recommendations for improvement were stated.
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Esileht »Colds» Colds mullivann. Kas on võimalik oma juukseid pesta ja pesta külma ja verine nina. Meie riigis kannatavad sageli külmetushaigused.One hundred and twenty normal post juvenile catfish (Clarias gariepinus) of both sexes with a mean weight of 135.44±1.99 g and mean length of 28.32±0.844 cm were purchased from Osayi.
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Kui inimene on täiesti tervislik, võib tema kaal olla ühes suunas või kuni 5 kg erinev. Selle suurenemine võib olla tingitud mitmesugustest põhjustest, näiteks öösel üleöömise, pühade, kehalise aktiivsuse vähenemise.Reported In shows products that are verified to work for the solution described in this article. This solution might also apply to other similar products or applications.
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Libyan National Army (LNA) forces may have committed war crimes, including killing and beating civilians, and summarily executing and desecrating bodies of opposition fighters in the eastern.Abstract. Dialogical researchers have proposed a new theoretical foundation for the psychology of the life course (Zittoun et al., 2013) that sees a person’s life moving along three intertwining dimensions: time, space and degrees of reality.
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Decolourisation and Detoxification of Reactive Azo Dyes by Saccharothrix Aerocolonigenes TE5. Rizwana Parvez S. 1, Uma Maheswari Devi Palempalle 1, 1 Department of Applied Microbiology, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India.Higher internal timber demand compared to the supply capacity of forest has been attributing to scarcity of timber within Community Forest Users’ Groups (CFUGs) and subsequently posing risk to the sustainability of forest.
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